This privacy policy sets out how The Pennine Singers use any information that is submitted when using this website. It also covers our use of cookies.
Data Collection
This site contains a number of forms. Any information provided to us through those forms is used strictly for the stated purpose(s). We have no interest in gathering personal data for any other reasons.
We will only contact individuals in response to queries we receive or as part of our bulk mailings, where consent has been given. We do not send out any unsolicited emails.
A cookie is a small file which asks permission from your browser to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies enable us remember you and your preferences while you visit this web site.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies in your web browser. Most browsers default to accepting them. You can modify your browser to decline if you prefer, however, if you choose to decline cookies, certain functions may not work as intended.
In using this web site, web cookies may collect the following information:
- Your domain name, but not your email address
- Your IP address
- The name and release number of web browser software used and the operating system used
- The date and time you access our website
- The address of the website that linked to us (referring URL)
For further information on cookies and how to enable or disable them in your web browser please visit